Soraia Mendes


Hi! My name is Soraia Mendes. I was born in Tamengos, in the municipality of Anadia, in Portugal. I came to the United States of America when I was two months old and went to elementary school in Newark. I went to live in Portugal when I was eleven years old and attended the cycle and secondary school in Anadia. I took my degree in Modern Languages ​​and Literature in English and German at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Coimbra. I taught at Pecacova High School for one year and then returned to the United States in 2006. I taught English for seven years at East Side High School in Newark and in 2013 I joined as Vice Principal at Technology High School. I love teaching and working with children as they are the future of our country. In my spare time I like to travel and spend time with my family and friends.